Australian Community Management, Autumn 2014



The importance of advocacy: Thames Reach, UK - 4
Themes Reach is a highly regarded organisation that supports the homeless in the UK. Its CEO is highly respected and an opinion leader in the UK Community Services Sector.

The Role of the Not for Profit Organisation: From the age of entitlement to the age of inequality - 6
From time to time it is useful for every Community Sector organisation to consider what role the organisation plays in the broader community and especially for its client target group. This discussion leader looks at the role of the NFP in an environment where, according to the Federal government, we are moving away from the age of entitlement towards self-reliance and the market?


After the Party: a merger at the other end - 9
There are few organisations in the Community Service Sector who are not involved in some way in considering, or who would consider, a merger. While the case for mergin is often quite compelling, this article suggests there is a need to consider the risks once the merger has occurred.

Sue Cripps: Managing Your Consultancy - 11
It makes sense to use expertise from outside the organisation. While most consultancies are effective some can prove to be very difficult and it's important that organisations manage their consultancy well.


Leone Crayden, CEO On Track Community Programs - 13
This interview with the On Track CEO is presented and representative of the On Track 'team'.


Strategic Human Resources - 15
This article suggests that one of the keys to a successful future lies in reassessing and probably upgrading the role of HR/employment relations in the organisation.

A Culture of 'Me First' or Us? - 17
A recent work culture survey carried out by a reputable consulting firm clearly indicates a dominant 'me' culture.

Hypothetical: Hidden Sexism? - 20
This hypothetical looks at the relationships of a anew CEO with her senior staff.


Social Innovation - 22
This books and website reviewed in this issue provide a guide to this, that is, and approach to financing and achieving social support and change.


Management Tips - 24
Our regular article containing management ideas and tips.

Managing Intergenerational Staff - 26
A variety of ages, gender and ethnic backgrounds in a team should be seen as an advantage. Diversity and difference should produce better ideas, improved understanding of the community and clients and increased tolerance.

Managing Teams - 28
It is difficult for a team leader to focus on both getting the team to work closely together and also focus on their own responsibilities. This article discusses thge challenges facing team leaders at every level in the organisation.

Getting the balance right - Leadership versus Authority - 29
Every person who has to take responsibility for the work of others has to come to terms with the contrast between getting people to respond to requests or instructions and telling them what to do. This article looks at the problem of leadership versus authority.

Team Performance Assessment - 31
 This article suggests a methodology whereby the team can assess its progress and determine its goals an a team. In a well-organised management system this would follow individual appraisals or reviews.