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Australian Social Work Vol. 68(2), April 2015
Opening up Options: Decision Making Around Older People's Assets
Jill Wilson & Cheryl Tilse
pages 153-155
A Strengths Perspective on Caregiving at the End-of-life
Margaret E. Hughes
pages 156-168
Cultural Meaning-making in the Journey from Diagnosis to End of Life
Catherine Rose Hughes, Kate van Heugten & Sally Keeling
pages 169-183
Language Reversion among People with Dementia from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds: The Family Experience
Sophia A. Tipping & Mary Whiteside
pages 184-197
An Online Expressive Writing Group for People Affected by Cancer: A Virtual Third Place
Kate Wakelin & Annette F. Street
pages 198-211
Community Aged Care Case Managers Transitioning to Consumer Directed Care: More Than Procedural Change Required
Carmel Laragy & Jacqueline Allen
pages 212-227
The Salvaging of Identities among Homeless Men: Reflections for Social Work
Steven Roche
pages 228-243
Do Family Meetings Improve Measurable Outcomes for Patients, Carers, or Health Systems? A Systematic Review
Melissa Reed & Katherine E. Harding
pages 244-258
Social Work Student Views on Palliative Care Learning Resources
Linda Turner, Ahmed Bawa Kuyini, Savana Sabine Agustine & Sally Hunter
pages 259-270
Journal Titles
- ANZJFT (held/ fulltext) (2)
- Australian Community Management (held) (2)
- Australian Social Work (held) (2)
- Counselor Education and Supervision (held) (2)
- Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy (held) (2)
- Journal of Divorce and Remarriage (held) (4)
- Journal of Family Issues (held/ fulltext) (5)
- Journal of Family Psychology (held) (3)
- Journal of Family Psychotherapy (held) (2)
- Journal of Family Studies (held/ fulltext up to 2006) (2)
- Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (held/ fulltext) (2)
- Psychotherapy Networker (held) (2)
- Psychotherapy in Australia (held) (2)
- The Family Journal (held/ fulltext) (2)