Editorial: The Passing of a Generation (pages 577–579)
Jay L. Lebow
The Effect of Communication Change on Long-term Reductions in Child Exposure to Conflict: Impact of the Promoting Strong African American Families (ProSAAF) Program (pages 580–595)
Steven R. H. Beach, Allen W. Barton, Man Kit Lei, Gene H. Brody, Steven M. Kogan, Tera R. Hurt, Frank D. Fincham and Scott M. Stanley
Location, Location, Location: Applying Spatial Statistics to the Relationship Landscape (pages 596–607)
Nathan D. Wood
Profession Differences in Family Focused Practice in the Adult Mental Health System (pages 608–617)
Darryl Maybery, Melinda Goodyear, Brendan O'Hanlon, Rose Cuff and Andrea Reupert
Thinking and Working Relationally: Interviewing and Constructing Hypotheses to Create Compassionate Understanding (pages 618–639)
Marcia Sheinberg and Mary Kim Brewster
Using the Tenets of the Problem-Centered Systems Therapy of the Family (PCSTF) to Teach the McMaster Approach to Family Therapists (pages 640–655)
Richard Archambault, Abigail K. Mansfield, Doug Evans and Gabor I. Keitner
Adoptees' Contact with Birth Parents in Emerging Adulthood: The Role of Adoption Communication and Attachment to Adoptive Parents (pages 656–671)
Rachel H. Farr, Holly A. Grant-Marsney and Harold D. Grotevant
The Biobehavioral Family Model: Testing Social Support as an Additional Exogenous Variable (pages 672–685)
Sarah B. Woods, Jacob B. Priest and Tara Roush
Looking for Solutions: Gender Differences in Relationship and Parenting Challenges Among Low-Income, Young Parents (pages 686–701)
Tashuna Albritton, Meghan Angley, Valen Grandelski, Nathan Hansen and Trace Kershaw
Gay and Lesbian Couples in Italy: Comparisons with Heterosexual Couples (pages 702–716)
Paolo Antonelli, Davide Dèttore, Irene Lasagni, Douglas K. Snyder and Christina Balderrama-Durbin
Factors Impacting the Mental Health of the Caregivers of Children with Asthma in China: Effects of Family Socioeconomic Status, Symptoms Control, Proneness to Shame, and Family Functioning (pages 717–730)
Ting Zhou, Chunli Yi, Xuxia Zhang and Yuyin Wang
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- Journal of Family Studies (held/ fulltext up to 2006) (2)
- Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (held/ fulltext) (2)
- Psychotherapy Networker (held) (2)
- Psychotherapy in Australia (held) (2)
- The Family Journal (held/ fulltext) (2)