Edited by Marianne Wamboldt
Description of Relational Processes: Recent Changes in DSM-5 and Proposals for ICD-11 (pages 6–16)
Marianne Wamboldt, Nadine Kaslow and David Reiss
Child Maltreatment in DSM-5 and ICD-11 (pages 17–32)
Amy M. Smith Slep, Richard E. Heyman and Heather M. Foran
Parent–Child Relational Problem: Field Trial Results, Changes in DSM-5, and Proposed Changes for ICD-11 (pages 33–47)
Marianne Wamboldt, Anthony Cordaro Jr and Diana Clarke
Intimate Partner Relationship Distress in the DSM-5 (pages 48–63)
Heather M. Foran, Mark A. Whisman and Steven R. H. Beach
Enhanced Definitions of Intimate Partner Violence for DSM-5 and ICD-11 May Promote Improved Screening and Treatment (pages 64–81)
Richard E. Heyman, Amy M. Smith Slep and Heather M. Foran
The Family Assessment Device: An Update (pages 82–93)
Abigail K. Mansfield, Gabor I. Keitner and Jennifer Dealy
The Evaluation of Family Functioning by the Family Assessment Device: A Systematic Review of Studies in Adult Clinical Populations (pages 94–115)
Laura Staccini, Elena Tomba, Silvana Grandi and Gabor I. Keitner
Reliability and Validity of a Short Version of the General Functioning Subscale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device (pages 116–123)
Katrina L. Boterhoven de Haan, Jennifer Hafekost, David Lawrence, Michael G. Sawyer and Stephen R. Zubrick
Feedback Informed Treatment: Evidence-Based Practice Meets Social Construction(pages 124–137)
Julie Tilsen and Sheila McNamee
Couple and Family Treatments: Study Quality and Level of Evidence (pages 138–159)
Joëlle Darwiche and Yves de Roten
The Effects of a Multiple Family Therapy on Adolescents with Eating Disorders: An Outcome Study (pages 160–172)
Zoé Gelin, Silvana Fuso, Stephan Hendrick, Solange Cook-Darzens and Yves Simon
Delimiting Family in Syntheses of Research on Childhood Chronic Conditions and Family Life (pages 173–184)
Kathleen Knafl, Jennifer Leeman, Nancy Havill, Jamie Crandell and Margarete Sandelowski
The Uses of Emotion Maps in Research and Clinical Practice with Families and Couples: Methodological Innovation and Critical Inquiry (pages 185–197)
Jacqui Gabb and Reenee Singh
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- Journal of Family Psychology (held) (3)
- Journal of Family Psychotherapy (held) (2)
- Journal of Family Studies (held/ fulltext up to 2006) (2)
- Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (held/ fulltext) (2)
- Psychotherapy Networker (held) (2)
- Psychotherapy in Australia (held) (2)
- The Family Journal (held/ fulltext) (2)